Ray Allen To Replace Caron Butler in NBA All-Star Game
NEW YORK, Feb. 13, 2008 -- Boston Celtics guard Ray Allen has been named by NBA Commissioner David Stern to replace injured East All-Star Caron Butler (left hip flexor strain) of the Washington Wizards for the 2008 NBA All-Star Game on Sunday, Feb. 17 in New Orleans.
Allen will be making his eighth NBA All-Star appearance. 波士頓塞爾提克後衛Ray Allen在NBA執行長Stern推舉下,取代 受傷的巫師球員Caron Butler,入選2008年2月17號於紐奧良所 舉辦全明星賽。 ------------------------------------------------------- 觀戰重點: Allen本次明星賽首要課題是延續去年三分球7投中4的火熱 手感,捍衛自己所保持NBA明星賽最多三分命中數(15)的寶座, 目前兩位追兵T-Mac(13)與Kobe(14)都可能不會出賽,對Ray 將會是項利多。